Saturday 24 November 2012

The Gift of Love

My life is shaped and strengthened by extraordinary human beings. You cannot know me, without knowing them. For I carry their hearts in mine. 

Some reside in Heaven, and the rest, here on Earth. 

Yet distance, time and space is irrelevant. 

For it is love that transcends; love that encapsulates; love that nourishes; love that sustains. 

every. single. day. 

The power, beauty and meaning unleashed by relationships is like no other. 

And for the rest of my life, I will always give thanks to the One Above for this great gift. 

G xx

My Brother. My Sister. And I.
My Sister's Wedding. November 1998.

A Debut of Sorts

Here’s the thing…
I have a number of burgeoning loves:
My Creator, humanity, nature, teaching, writing, languages, fiction, film, history, photography, culture, tea.
So I created this small and unassuming space, dedicated to all of the above. 
Perusing Musings. 
A place to create, reflect, dwell and share. 
For those who stumble across my page, please enjoy and engage.  
G xx

(Photo Credit: